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Feather Butterflies , Nylon Mesh Butterflies and Craft supplies :

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Mini Dot Feather Butterflies.....click for larger image
Mini Dot small Feather Butterflies , 6 colourways as shown , approximately 30 wide x 25mm high, although the feather butterflies can vary slightly as they are handmade. The feather butterflies come attached to a fine wire which can be used for mounting or easily removed to glue them directly to an object. Available in an assorted pack of 12 feather butterflies , all 6 colours , two of each. Priced per 12 feather butterflies @ £ 3.24.

S o r r y ...  I n d i v i d u a l  c o l o u r w a y s  n o w  O u t  o f  S t o c k.
Orange Tip Feather Butterflies.....click for larger image Orange Tip Feather Butterflies , 6 shades as shown , approximately 40 wide x 27mm high, each of the butterflies can vary slightly as they are handmade. The feather butterflies come on a fine wire which can be used for mounting or easily removed to glue them directly to an object. Available in an assorted pack of 12 feather butterflies , all 6 colours , two of each. Priced per 12 feather butterflies @ £ 3.24.

S o r r y ...  I n d i v i d u a l  c o l o u r w a y s  n o w  O u t  o f  S t o c k.
Wavy Tail  Feather Butterflies.....click for larger image Wavy Tail Feather Butterflies , 6 colourways as shown , approximately 40mm wide x 25 high, handmade , each of the butterflies can vary slightly. The feather butterflies come on a fine wire which can be used for mounting or easily removed to glue them directly to an object. Available in an assorted pack of 12 feather butterflies , all 6 colours , two of each. Priced per 12 feather butterflies @ £ 3.24.

S o r r y ...  I n d i v i d u a l  c o l o u r w a y s  n o w  O u t  o f  S t o c k.
Pastel Veined Feather Butterflies.....click for larger image Larger Pastel Veined Feather Butterflies , 6 shades as shown , approximately 50 wide x 35mm high, although each feather butterfly can vary slightly as they are handmade. The feather butterflies come attached to a fine wire which can be used for mounting or easily removed to glue them directly to an object. Available in an assorted pack of 12 feather butterflies , all 6 colours , two of each. Priced per 12 butterflies @ £ 3.50.

S o r r y ...  I n d i v i d u a l  c o l o u r w a y s  n o w  O u t  o f  S t o c k.
Petal Winged Feather Butterflies.....click for larger image Larger Petal Wing Feather Butterflies , 6 colourways as shown , approximately 50mm wide x 35 high, although each butterfly varies slightly as they are handmade. The feather butterflies come attached to a fine wire which can be used for mounting or easily removed to glue them directly to an object. Available in an assorted pack of 12 feather butterflies , all 6 colours , two of each. Priced per pack of 12 butterflies @ £ 3.78.

S o r r y ...  I n d i v i d u a l  c o l o u r w a y s  n o w  O u t  o f  S t o c k.
Petal Winged Feather Butterflies.....click for larger image Back by popular demand ....Limited Edition Special Feather Colour
Petal Wing Feather Butterflies especially commissioned in beautiful Aubergine as shown , approximately 50mm wide x 35mm high, although each butterfly varies slightly as they are handmade. The feather butterflies come attached to a fine wire which can be used for mounting or easily removed to glue them directly to an object. Available in pack of 12 butterflies , priced per 12 feather butterflies @ £ 3.78.
50mm Small Spotted Fantail Feather Butterflies.....click for larger image
Small Spotted Fantail range of Feather Butterflies , available in 6 shades as shown , approx 50 wide x 35mm high, although the handmade butterflies can vary slightly. The feather butterflies come on a fine wire which can be used for mounting or easily removed to glue them directly to an object. Available in packs of 12 in each individual colour , or assorted pack of all 6 colours. Priced per pack of 12 feather butterflies @ £ 3.50. Select requirement in dropdown box opposite. Matching 100mm size available below.
S o r r y ...  I n d i v i d u a l  c o l o u r w a y s  n o w  O u t  o f  S t o c k.
80mm Monarch Feather Butterflies.....click for larger image
Monarch range of Feather Butterflies , available in 6 shades as shown , approx 80 wide x 55mm high, although the handmade butterflies can vary slightly. The feather butterflies come on a fine wire which can be used for mounting or easily removed to glue them directly to an object. Available in packs of 12 assorted feather butterflies , all 6 colours , two of each. Priced per pack of 12 feather butterflies @ £ 4.40.

S o r r y ...  I n d i v i d u a l  c o l o u r w a y s  n o w  O u t  o f  S t o c k.
T h e  R e d  c o l o u r w a y  i s  c u r r e n t l y  m o r e  D e e p  P i n k  i n  s h a d e  t h a n  i l l u s t r a t e d.

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Feather Butterflies , Mesh Butterflies and Nylon Butterflies